Let's level up Your Business
Zajmuje się konsultingiem, doradztwem, i prowadzeniem projektów w zakresie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.

5 Lat jako dyrekytor zakładu dużych firm produkcyjnych

5 Lat jako globalny dyrektor do spraw optymalizacji i standaryzacji procesów grup przedsiębiorstw

15 Lat doświadczenia we wprowadzaniu lean / sixisgma / cyfryzacji
Let's level up Your Business
Zajmuje się konsultingiem, doradztwem, i prowadzeniem projektów w zakresie zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem.

Leszek is one of the most dynamic individuals I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my career. Leszek and I joined Franke around the same time. Although we worked in different parts of the world we started collaborating almost immediately. I can genuinely say that Leszek was a pleasure to work with for a decade. We held similar positions throughout our careers and he drove all of us around the world to be better.
Leszek constantly strives for continuous improvement. Some people say they push for continuous improvement but Leszek truly believes it is fundamental. I was always astonished how he could implement a new process or project by letting the team find the best solutions thereby gaining instant acceptance.
Leszek has a high level of self awareness. He is a great listener, gives clear direction and has an energy level which is unmatched. This makes him a great leader.
As a person, I consider him a friend. As a professional I consider him a mentor.

In the course of 2 years, I have worked with Leszek and other internal experts on further developing Franke's global training architecture and methodology. From my experience, Leszek distinguished himself by having a very open-minded and forward-looking mindset. On our mutual projects, he was very structured & solution oriented, prioritized well and dared to address critical issues.
Above all, Leszek is pleasant to work with. Personally, I would not hesitate to collaborate with Leszek again and value his advise on many topics including project management, change management, lean processes & training, resource efficiency etc.

I had been working with Leszek Lipiński for two years when he was the head of Lean in Franke Group. He led the lean transformation projects and building the first setup of the Franke Production System.
He has strong experience in lean transformation, lean production, manufacturing organization, industry 4.0 implementation, and leading multinationals team. He leads lots of successful kaizen events in different countries and processes.
He is success-oriented, straightforward, honest, and result-oriented. It was a pleasure for me to work with him and I believe he is an important leader to any company.

Leszek champions the knowledge and practice of Lean, which is more a philosophy of work than a methodology. The key message in Leszek's Lean philosophy implementations is to work smarter, not harder. Lean defines all the things you should kick out of your life to become utmost productive. These are Muda, Mura and Muri. It was a good implementation, I remember him running around the production departments day after day, Leszek has an iron consistency in his actions, it was a good experience to meet him in my working life.

I've been working with Leszek on different projects in past years. We had an opportunity to collaborate on complex digitalization projects such as the definition of the corporate digital manufacturing ecosystem, as well as smaller projects focused on the implementation of traditional lean methods.
Working with Leszek in both roles, as a supplier and later as a partner, I've always appreciated his expertise, a result-oriented mindset, and above all leadership skills while driving the project team

I was lucky to meet Leszek and discuss in detail how to design and execute smooth transition from paper/excel driven factory to a paperless.
I would like to appreciate Leszek straight approach to the matter with always focusing on the quality and reasonability of the project.
Common sense and straightforward approach is something I see as a huge value in our IT/IS industry.

Zarząd Schrag Polska Sp. z o.o. przy ogromnym wsparciu p. Leszka Lipińskiego przeprowadza transformację firmy. Profesjonalizm i wiedza expercka z zakresu Lean i zarządzania zmianą jaką prezentuje pan Lipiński jest nieocenioną pomocą w procesie przekształceń wewnątrz organizacji.

Leszek has excellent knowledge of lean management and is very experienced in managing this area . He Leads very good workshops in the area of production and business.